Restoring: demonstrating place-based nature-based solutions

Restoring: demonstrating place-based nature-based solutions’ is responsible for establishing the Life-Labs in the seven Conexus cities. Each Life-Lab will involve local communities and organisations at different scales to trial methods for nature-based solutions and demonstrate their benefits. These demonstration projects will co-create ecological restoration programmes by developing new ways of working in an integrated way across institutions and organisations.


Sveriges Lantbruks Universitet, The University of Sheffield, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Camara Municipal de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciencias Sociais, Universidad de Chile, Technische Universität München, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Wageningen University, Barcelona Regional Agència Metropolitana de Desenvolupament Urbanístic i d'Infraestructures, S.A., Centro de Investigacion Ecologica Y Aplicaciones Forestales, Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Mayor, Industrial Software SRL, Gobierno Regional Metropolitano de Santiago, Municipalidad de General San Martin, Comune di Torino



  1. Establish Life-Labs: local communities of learning, trialing nature-based thinking methods.

  2. Co-create nature-based solution pilot interventions (plans and site-specific projects) as well as co-producing new knowledge about existing nature-based solutions in each city.

  3. Measure success - assess interventions using co-created indicators, to develop and share knowledge based on the CONEXUS theoretical framework.

The delivery of the nature-based solutions in the Conexus cities, will involve the implementation of participatory engagement and co-creation processes. The demonstration projects will use a place-based approach at different scales with specific activities to:

  • Implement small scale pilot investment projects,

  • Understand the context of each location,

  • Ensure collaborative design,

  • Map and understand areas

  • Find synergies to coordinate demonstration projects

An important aspect of this work will be the monitoring of plans and policies that have been developed at multiple scales and measuring success of the demonstration projects. Indicators identified in ‘Analysing-Synthesising-Guiding’ will be used to demonstrate the viability of nature-based solutions in different socio-ecological contexts and settings.

Conexus Key Learning Factsheet Series

Reflections for establishing Urban Life-Labs for governance of Nature-based Solutions

This factsheet presents the key learnings and strategies from the establishment processes of seven Urban Life-Labs located in seven major cities across Latin America: São Paulo, Bogotá, Santiago, and Buenos Aires; and across Europe: Lisbon, Barcelona, and Turin. Each Urban Life-Lab represents diverse strategies and objectives for applying Nature-based Solutions interventions to address various urban socio-environmental challenges.



