Upcoming events…

Nature-based Solutions Conference 2024 "GROWING POSITIVE CHANGE" - Nature-based Solutions Initiative
The annual conference of the Nature-based Solutions Initiative will be held on June 18-20 2024 at Oxford University on the theme "Growing Positive Change".
Over three days, the event will bring together interdisciplinary researchers with practitioners and decision makers from the public and private sectors, as well as Indigenous voices from around the world, to discuss and co-create an action plan for nature-based solutions to support positive social-environmental change.
The conference will examine the evidence for the benefits of nature-based solutions beyond carbon capture, in particular for human and ecological health, climate change adaptation, humanitarian crises and food security, and tackle the role of adaptive management in resilience. It will also explore how to deal with uncertainty on the socio-ecological outcomes of nature-based solutions, and ensure that governance, markets and finance can act together in support of them, discussing, even, how the economy might be transformed so that it enhances rather than weakens the web of life. Finally, the conference will explore the potential healthy benefits of a nature-based approach, as well as how to rekindle a soulful human connection with nature.
Registration is now open.

ICLEI World Congress 2024
In June 2024, the ICLEI network will come together for the ICLEI World Congress 2024, hosted by the City of São Paulo, Brazil.
Every three years, the ICLEI World Congress showcases how local and regional governments across our network are advancing sustainable urban development worldwide. Our last World Congress began in 2021 with a Virtual Launch and culminated in 2022 with The Malmö Summit.
In 2024, we will head to São Paulo for an exciting three days of networking and knowledge exchange!

NATURANCE Project Festival
The first NATURANCE Festival is set to take place on May 23-24, 2024, in Laxenburg, Austria. NATURANCE is a 3.5-year Horizon Europe project which examines the technical, financial and operational feasibility and performance of solutions built on a combination of disaster risk financing and Nature-based solutions investments. The ultimate goal of the project is to encourage adoption of jointly elaborated equity principles, performance metrics and recommended approaches to analysis and design in accordance with the EU framework for sustainable finance and the Just Transition Mechanism.
The event will be an interactive gathering, with the presence of invited guests from the Knowledge Network and the Innovation Labs.
More information to come soon.

TNOC Festival 2024
TNOC Festival is knowledge-centered, knowledge-led, and action-driven. The 2024 theme of “Action” focuses our attention on translating knowledge from various sources to results on the ground.
TNOC Festival 2024 will be a three week series of interconnected events. Virtual events will take place 15 - 26 April 2024 and in-person events will take place 4-7 June 2024 in Berlin.
TNOC Festival programming is transdisciplinary and innovative. With multiple session types, the program is designed to push the boundaries of collaborative engagement by mixing the arts, sciences, urban practice fields, and performance to draw urban thought leaders and changemakers together to build better cities.
Submit a proposal
The submission portal opened on 25 September 2023. Before you submit, check out the submission guide and review the different types of sessions:
SEED SESSIONS - Small interactive workshops that explore an idea, project, or direct action in cities.
SKILLS SESSIONS - Interactive workshops where you preset or teach festival attendees a new skill or idea.
DIALOGUES AND KEYNOTES - Short talks and transdisciplinary conversations. Keynotes from diverse geographies and points of view.
FIELD TRIPS - Join live-narrated video tours through various cities around the world. There will also be in-person field trips in Berlin.
MICROTALKS - Short pre-recorded video talks submitted by you. A gallery of urban ideas from diverse thought leaders.
ART, STORY, FILM & PERFORMANCE - Attend a performance, listen to a reading, participate in collaborative art to build creative human-nature connections.
WORKING GROUPS - Create a meeting within a meeting where your team builds an idea hive, or cluster of seed sessions, within TNOC Festival.

Driving Urban Transitions Conference 2024
Join us in Brussels 10-12 April 2024, as we bring together urban leaders, practitioners, researchers, investors, and visionaries at the forefront of sustainable urban transition. The Driving Urban Transitions (DUT), a European Partnership committed to supporting cities in their journey to become sustainable, resilient, and inclusive, invites you to be part of the journey!
With less than six years left to go until 2030, the DUT Conference 2024 will bring together a multitude of stakeholders for collaborative learning and action, fostering discussions on the essential next steps at the global, national, and local levels to strengthen the dynamics of the transition.
Join us in addressing the challenges and delivering on the promises of research and innovation in a mission-oriented context.
Three Days of Boosting Urban Transformations
DUT’s biennial policy conference 2024: Driving Urban Transitions through Joint Action, with DUT Open Area and Festival.
Agora Strategic Dialogue: Empowering Urban Futures: Bridging Policy, Innovation, and Local Action.
DUT Call 2022 projects kick-off event (by invitation only).
Programme Highlights
Discover the key instruments deployed by the DUT Partnership to amplify the impact of research and innovation.
Learn from cities at the forefront of implementing the 15-minute City, Circular Urban Economies, and Positive Energy Districts strategies.
Be inspired by Urban Doers and novel approaches in projects financed by DUT.
Get new insights from expert panels on drivers behind change and new research areas in mission driven context.
Celebrate the DUT projects funded in the first DUT call.

10th European Summit of Regions and Cities
Thousands of mayors, councillors, regional ministers and top European and global decisionmakers will gather in Mons, in the Walloon Region of Belgium, in the heart of Europe, to debate the challenges and solutions for the future of Europe and beyond.
Organised by the European Committee of the Regions together with Walloon Region and the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities will bring a new perspective on topics at the heart of people's concerns, such as democracy, sustainable development, the future of the European Union and its enlargement, the need to ensure social, economic and territorial cohesion, and dealing with the consequences of the war against Ukraine. Global challenges will be addressed by bringing together different perspectives from across the world. The European Committee of the Regions is particularly proud that this occasion coincides with its 30th anniversary, and invites you to join the celebrations.
Find out more on the event and agenda here.

Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival
The ‘Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival’ is organised by the European Commission (DG Research and Innovation) in cooperation with the Bioeconomy Youth Ambassadors, and will be accompanied by independent satellite events all over Europe.
The Festival aims to engage youth as drivers of the transformative change required in view of the multiple challenges that Europe faces today, and to unlock the potential of the bioeconomy to make the transformation happen. In addition, the Festival will help the European Commission to gather views on an update of the Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan.
It will take place between 11 and 17 of March 2024 in various locations across the EU, and will comprise of:
a high-level event, organised by the European Commission, in Brussels, on 13-14/03/2024.
more than 30 satellite events, organised by third party organisations all over Europe, to enable youth to take part in the festival.
The target audience of the high-level event of 13-14 March 2024 consists of bioeconomy stakeholders, regional, national and international policy makers and youth interested in the bioeconomy.
The satellite events will be organised in the 18 countries They will offer space for discussions, networking, and information on career opportunities. Field trips and interactive workshops are also planned and at some satellite events you can play bioeconomy games or enjoy art exhibitions.
Unlocking the power of engagement for nature recovery and nature-based solutions
This free webinar is organised by the Leverhulme Centre for Nature Recovery and the Agile Initiative. It will introduce The Recipe for Engagement (RfE) guidance, new evidence-led guidance for engagement in nature-based solutions and nature recovery.
The webinar is open to anyone working in the on-the-ground delivery, design and/or strategy of a broad range of nature recovery and nature-based solutions projects which aim to benefit both people and nature. This includes conservation, restoration, rewilding, urban greening, community gardening, sustainable forestry, regenerative agriculture, and more.
The webinar is relevant to any project which seeks to engage a diversity of stakeholders and relevant parties at different scales including local communities, members of the public, farmers and land managers, non-governmental organisations, charities, businesses, local authorities, and government bodies.

People and Planet Conference: From theory to solutions
This international conference will bring together researchers, decision makers, specialists and other stakeholders interested in planetary health, sustainability and wellbeing.
Participation includes 3 days of transdisciplinary sessions, discussions, presentations and posters that spur transformative action through scientific knowledge.
The conference will focus on how human health and the health of the planet are closely connected and what can be done to protect and enhance both. In particular, the conference encourages finding solutions in complex systems and interlinked crises of climate change, biodiversity loss and the rise of noncommunicable diseases.
Science-informed knowledge and solutions for tackling challenges around planetary health are essential for transformative action. Planetary health requires supportive leadership and urban planning, sustainable healthcare, sustainable food systems, active mobility and improved understanding of the value of nature to our wellbeing, among other subjects. Furthermore, an emphasis is needed on finding effective intervention points and strategies while considering societal megatrends such as digitalization and aging population.
This conference follows on from the Helsinki Planetary Health Conference in 2019, People and Planet Conference in 2021, and will continue in the spirit of the Helsinki Declaration in emphasizing the urgency for action.
The conference is organized in connection to Nature Step to Health – Lahti Regional Health and Environment Programme 2022-2032, by Lahti University Campus together with City of Lahti, Wellbeing Services County of Päijät-Häme and other partners.

Climate Chance Europe 2024 Wallonia Summit
As part of the Belgian Presidency of the European Council of Ministers for the Environment and Climate, Wallonia and the Climate Chance Association are organising a gathering of climate stakeholders, the Climate Chance Europe 2024 Summit. The main theme is « Adaptation to climate change, nature-based solutions and resilience ».
Adapting to climate disruption is a major challenge, at the heart of local climate action. The European Green Deal has placed ecological transition at the heart of all EU policy proposals.
In this context, the Climate Chance Europe 2024 Wallonia Summit will contribute to the European work led by the Belgian Presidency on climate change adaptation, nature-based solutions and resilience. This is the very first time that an international event has been devoted to this theme.
The event is intended to be broad-based and inclusive. Faced with the consequences of climate change, which Europe as a whole is having to deal with, we need to facilitate exchanges and collaboration between companies, associations, local authorities and citizen organizations across the European Union. This dialogue will focus on the adaptation solutions put in place by all parties in this local, regional, national and European multi-stakeholder context. So, for example, the resilient reconstruction of the Vesdre Valley following the dramatic floods of 2021 could be an inspiration for other European communities faced with similar meteorological phenomena. Conferences, workshops, field visits and discussions will enable participants to benefit from the experience and expertise of other European players.
The aim of this meeting will be to produce the “Liège Declaration“, an ambitious collective roadmap that will mark a decisive milestone in the work of the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council. Key messages will be conveyed to the European institutions with a view to a renewed and strengthened European Green Deal after 2024.
Registrations open until 31/01/2024.

Nature in the City: A Practical Approach to Urban Wellbeing
The next in DivAirCity series of free virtual events to explore issues of gender equity, diversity and inclusion in the built environment sector will delve into the nexus of urban living and health. You can gain first-hand insights and be inspired by compelling case studies showcasing successful nature-based solutions that have been implemented in European cities.
Why Green Space Matters in Cities for Health
Explore the links between urban living and health as we delve into the myriad of benefits of green spaces within cities. From improved mental health to enhanced physical wellbeing, green spaces have a profound impact on the overall quality of life for urban dwellers. Our expert speakers will share valuable insights and real-life examples, showcasing not only how green spaces contribute to the health and happiness of city residents but why assessing the impact of green initiatives is essential for urban planners, policymakers, and community leaders. Learn practical approaches and best practices to measure the success of your projects and make informed decisions for the future.