
The Bogota Life-Lab will explore new ways to achieve sustainable urbanisation in expansion areas in one of Latin America's most dense cities.

The high Andean forest and the floodplain wetlands are two critically important ecosystems in the city that have been degraded for settlement expansion, mining and food production. Nature-based solutions, delivered in the boroughs of Usme (south) and Suba (north), will include the restoration of ecosystems such as streams and riparian forest; exploring the use of biofilters and artificial wetlands in removing pollutants; the creation of local food gardens; exploring opportunities for water storage; and instilling a greater appreciation of cultural and natural heritage.

In testing the co-creation of ' socio-hydrological structures', social capital and ecosystem services provision will be enhanced with and for local inhabitants. Bogota's interventions will conserve and restore ecosystems in rural­ urban borders characterised by a matrix of small rural settlements, agricultural production areas, remnants of strategic Andean forest ecosystems and riparian zones, and informal settlements connected with the urban network.

Conexus Life-Lab Factsheet Series

Nature-based Solutions to restore urban hydro-social systems

The Bogotá Life-Lab focuses on restoration actions and capacity-building activities to support peri-urban communities. These activities aim to protect forest and wetland ecosystems, while strengthening communities in border territories, and social acceptance of NbS. Community participation and co-creation have been key for the development and success of the pilot projects.


São Paulo

